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Play a special basketball match

Enjoy playing Zomball, where scoring requires breaking a few bones! Take aim at that basket with your own zombie body parts you launch! Have fun!

Throw into the basket in Zomball

This is a great special basketball game, this time the pitcher is a young zombie. His basketball is not a ball, but different parts of his body! If he hits a ball, his body will bounce back, otherwise, he will lose part of his body. When all zombie parts are lost, the game restarts. This game is endless, so you can play until your character loses all his body. Join this fun game and check how many points you can get. With simple gameplay and easy controls, you will probably love this game. You can try many games with simple gameplay like Geometry Dash Bloodbath, Bike Race Rush, Black Panther: Jungle Pursuit, etc. All of them can relax your mind after a long day. Good luck!