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About Murder

Murder is an interesting game made by Studio Seufz. You really want to crawl up behind the lord and kill him rapidly and quietly. Don't be found by the king.

Kill the king in Murder

You wish to kill the king and have his spot to control the realm. In the first place, you should creep up behind the ruler and pick the advantageous second to strike and kill him. Whenever he falls down, you should rapidly wear his clothes and become the king yourself! When you become a powerful king, you should shield yourself from other would-be professional killers who maintain that you should do the very same as you recently did! Maintain careful focus and make certain to never keep your back turned for a really long time! Do you have the stuff to turn into a professional killer ruler? Don't just play one game to have fun. You have many options such as Geometry Dash Bloodbath, X-Parkour, Squid Game Run, Nick Soccer Stars, etc on our web.